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Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

Everybody says second opinion. We said it differently.

When you hear “it's cancer”, you think speed is of the essence. You’re scared. You’ve got to get this out. A second opinion sounds like a monumental task. Like more delays. So you make decisions that may not be the best in the long run. That’s the challenge we took on for Roswell. How to get folks who’d just heard the worst news ever, to take a step back. To not rush into treatment. Our approach? Transforming the idea of the cumbersome-sounding second opinion, into taking “just one day”. That’s it. Just one day to talk to world-renowned cancer experts at Roswell. Just one day to make sure you’ve explored the absolute latest treatment options. Options other doctors may not even know about. It’s a powerful advertising message that’s stuck in the head of the residents of Buffalo. Even when their rational thinking disappears after hearing those terrifying words, it’s a message that’s there, when they need it.

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